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(Published Research of Business Economics Faculty) “Examining the Significance of the Luzon W-Growth Corridor to Agricultural Agglomeration and Labor Productivity.”
Asst. Prof. Marie Antoinette L. Rosete, MDE and Associate Prof. Nancy L. Eleria, PhD (co-author) published the research entitled “Examining the Significance of the Luzon W-Growth Corridor to Agricultural Agglomeration […]
(Published Research of Business Economics Faculty) “Urban Quality of Life: Instrument Reliability and Validity”
Asst. Prof. Karen Grace P. Valdez, MBA and Mr. Nicasio Angelo J. Agustin’s published the paper entitled “Urban Quality of Life: Instrument Reliability and Validity,” which examined the validity and […]
BS Business Administration: Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
Some facts about us
BS Business Administration Level III 1st RA
Level III 1st Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
BS Entrepreneurship Level III RA
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA)
Degree Programs
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Business Economics
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (June 2016 – June 2019)
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Business Economics program is designed to provide students with solid background and training in the methods and applications of economic analysis. The students’ research skills are honed through the various economics courses such as international economics, managerial economics and human resource economics, further preparing them to be proactive when confronting current economic issues.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Financial Management
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (June 2016 – June 2019)
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management prepares the students to possess a strong foundation on theory, principles and concepts, as well as analytical tools and perspectives that would provide a sound and competitive basis for financial and investment decision making.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Human Resource Development Management
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (June 2016 – June 2019)
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management prepares the students for a career in Human Resource Management in various corporations whether in the manufacturing, marketing and service sectors, or in the different types of industries such as pharmaceutical, semiconductor, food and beverage, banking industries and other types of organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Marketing Management
Level III Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (June 2016 – June 2019)
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administrative major in Marketing Management prepares the students to be responsive to the total environment by providing technical skills and competencies in the areas of Marketing. Theory is blended with practicum activities to give the students a broad and enriched base for career in Marketing.
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
Level II First Re-Accredited Status, awarded by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (June 2016 – June 2021)
The Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship program is primarily designed to provide training to would-be entrepreneurs in the nuances of starting and operating a business as well as character building. The program commits itself to the education and formation of students who will be competent, committed and compassionate entrepreneurs imbued with ethical, pro-social and altruistic qualities of empathy, social responsibility, and justice. The BS Entrepreneurship program is inspired by the social doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and it is in response to the growing economic and social concerns of poverty in the Philippine society. It is considered to be a unique and innovative kind of entrepreneurship program since it seeks to integrate entrepreneurship with social consciousness and ethics education since it has a component of Social Entrepreneurship.
Our Identity
- Integration of instruction, research and community service;
- Faculty Development; and
- Linkages with government, industry, non-government organizations, both local and international.
- to respect and foster the dignity of the human person in the context of the welfare of society as a whole;
- to adopt the principle that “quality education is the key to excellence;”
- to adhere to the teaching that “we live in a global community, where countries of different cultures and creeds are interdependent with one another;”
- to cultivate in themselves the teaching that “economic progress is to be organized and merged in such a reasonable and human way so that it will be able to reduce social inequalities;”
- to commit themselves to the empowerment of the majority of the people, so that they will learn to take personal initiative and responsibility in socio-economic affairs; and
- to develop both Christian and Filipino values which are necessary for the formation of a righteous conscience.
Administrative Officials
Administrative Officials

Rev. Fr. Senen R. Ecleo, O.P.
Asst. Prof. Francis Lawrence B. de Jesus, PhD
Assistant Dean
Assoc. Prof. Marie Antoinette L. Rosete, PhD
College SecretaryDepartment Heads
Department Heads

Mr. Peter Jeff C. Camaro, MAE
Mr. Ernest Alcano, MBA
Asst. Prof. Elizabeth Vivien S. Magbata, PhD
Mr. James Romulus M. Buzon, MS-HRM
Mr. Antonio E. Etrata Jr., PhD
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